Continue my bloodline

The days passed by in the Chauhan household, with Priya diligently managing the household chores and taking care of her father-in-law, Prithvi Chauhan. Despite the absence of a child in their lives, the bond between Akash and Priya seemed unshakable. However, a storm was brewing beneath the surface, threatening to disrupt the tranquility of their lives.

One evening, as Priya was preparing dinner in the kitchen, she overheard a heated conversation between Akash and Prithvi in the living room. Curiosity piqued, she discreetly listened in, trying to make sense of the tense exchange.

"I understand, Dad, but I have my responsibilities towards my work as well," Akash's voice carried a hint of frustration.

"You need to prioritize, Akash. Your career is important, but so is your family. Priya has been shouldering the burden alone. Have you ever thought about having children? Thank God your mother is not alive today. She would have regretted her upbringing" Prithvi said in a stern tone.

"I don't know what you are going to do, but I need my grandson by next year"..Prithvi said and went to his room.

Priya's heart sank as she realized the strain her father-in-law had been feeling. She had always seen Prithvi as a strong and composed man, but now she could sense the weight of his unspoken worries.

Determined to ease the tension, Priya stepped into the her Father-in-Law's room, her presence causing a momentary silence. "I can manage, Prithvi uncle. You don't have to worry. We will plan for a baby soon", she spoke softly, her eyes conveying her sincerity and went to the kitchen swallowing the lump in her throat.

Akash, realizing the gravity of the situation reached out to Priya, tool her hand in his and said, "I'm sorry, Priya. I've been so consumed with work that I neglected my responsibilities at home. From now on, we'll share the load together." They both smiled at each other and Priya told Akash to go finish his work and that she would prepare some snacks and dinner.

To be continued...

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